
Refrigerant cylinders production

Euro Ossigeno, next to its 60 years of activity, in collaboration with Morlando Group faces on the market with a new business.
After a careful and rigorous preparation in terms of the law, through obtaining quality certifications and in compliance with regulations (T-PED) and european standards.

How did the idea…

The idea of gas cylinder “home-made” production is born from the need to ensure continuity in the sales and direct customer service, given the crisis of the past years due to an incredibile demand in the refrigeration field in face of a serious unavailability of product on the market . Three key concepts sum up the idea:
CONTINUITY: We ensure continuity in manufacturing, strengthening the quality aspect and working with the various needs of the customer.

AVAILABILITY: We want the customer does not get into a balck-out of the market and has a security in the purchase. We try to limit the domino effect due to market fluctuations in availability of raw materials, creating a stock internal, which excludes the possibility of sold out.

SERVICE: The guarantee of the product is all in the hands of the producer who follows the process“ab-initio” until the marketing of end product..
Our philosophy… MADE IN ITALY:
Euro Ossigeno is very keen to meet the demands of its customers by evaluating carefully the raw materials of partner of Italian excellence.


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